CV – Donna Dimarchopoulou
My studies and career started in Thessaloniki, Greece, where I grew up, and specifically the School of Biology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Initially, I joined AUTH as an undergraduate student aiming to focus on DNA, genetics, and molecular techniques. Although I did appreciate these fields, the environmental courses soon won me over as an expression of my love for nature and animals. Again initially, I was more interested in terrestrial ecology. Until, somehow circumstantially, I chose to work on marine biology for my undergrad thesis. After some time, it all made sense. I am fascinated by all aspects of biology, but in the end it all comes down to my undeniable love for the sea. College is a time of (self-)exploration after all, isn’t it?
I started working on marine invertebrates and continued doing so for my master’s thesis, while I climbed up the tree of life to focus on fish, fisheries management, and marine ecosystems for my PhD. All these years, I have been mentored by and collaborated with wonderful scientists that have indeed shaped me and my current views as a scientist. You can find out more about my influences by having a look at my CV and publications where you can see the people I have been working with.

CV – Donna Dimarchopoulou
My studies and career started in Thessaloniki, Greece, where I grew up, and specifically the School of Biology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Initially, I joined AUTH as an undergraduate student aiming to focus on DNA, genetics, and molecular techniques. Although I did appreciate these fields, the environmental courses soon won me over as an expression of my love for nature and animals. Again initially, I was more interested in terrestrial ecology. Until, somehow circumstantially, I chose to work on marine biology for my undergrad thesis. After some time, it all made sense. I am fascinated by all aspects of biology, but in the end it all comes down to my undeniable love for the sea. College is a time of (self-)exploration after all, isn’t it?
I started working on marine invertebrates and continued doing so for my master’s thesis, while I climbed up the tree of life to focus on fish, fisheries management, and marine ecosystems for my PhD. All these years, I have been mentored by and collaborated with wonderful scientists that have indeed shaped me and my current views as a scientist. You can find out more about my influences by having a look at my CV and publications where you can see the people I have been working with.
Educational background and dissertations
PhD (2020) Fisheries biology and management (Excellent with distinction), School of Biology, AUTH.
Title: Ecosystem approach to fisheries management in the Aegean Sea. ▸ [thesis] [presentation]
MSc (2015) Hydrobiology and Aquaculture (Grade 9.58/10), School of Biology AUTH.
Title: Spatial biodiversity patterns in a semi-submerged marine cave using image processing of photographic quadrat samples. ▸ [thesis] [presentation]
BSc (2011) Biology (Grade 8.19/10), School of Biology AUTH.
Title: The Porifera collection of the AUTH Zoological Museum: organization and potential use in research and education. ▸ [thesis] [presentation]
Awards and Scholarships
International postdoctoral fellowship 2022, granted by the Ocean Frontier Institute, at Dalhousie University, Canada (supervisors: Heike Lotze, Boris Worm) and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA (supervisors: Jesús Pineda, Rubao Ji).
Best oral presentation 2018, at the 12th Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography & Fisheries. ▸ [pdf] [pdf]
Erasmus+ traineeship scholar 2015, at the Institute of Marine Sciences in Barcelona, Spain (supervisor: Joaquim Garrabou). ▸ [pdf]
Rewarding scholarship 2014, at the School of Biology, AUTH.
LLP-Erasmus scholar 2010, at the University of Manchester in Manchester, UK.
General Secretariat for Youth scholar 2005, Greek Republic, Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning & Religious Affairs.
Educational background and dissertations
2020 PhD Fisheries biology and management (Excellent with distinction), School of Biology, AUTH.
Title: Ecosystem approach to fisheries management in the Aegean Sea.
▸ [thesis] [presentation]
2015 MSc Hydrobiology and Aquaculture (Grade 9.58/10), School of Biology AUTH.
Title: Spatial biodiversity patterns in a semi-submerged marine cave using image processing of photographic quadrat samples.
▸ [thesis] [presentation]
2011 BSc Biology (Grade 8.19/10), School of Biology AUTH.
Title: The Porifera collection of the AUTH Zoological Museum: organization and potential use in research and education.
▸ [thesis] [presentation]
Awards and Scholarships
Best oral presentation 2018, at the 12th Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography & Fisheries. ▸ [pdf] [pdf]
Erasmus+ traineeship scholar 2015, at the Institute of Marine Sciences in Barcelona, Spain. ▸ [pdf]
Rewarding scholarship 2014, at the School of Biology, AUTH.
LLP-Erasmus scholar 2010, at the University of Manchester in Manchester, UK.
General Secretariat for Youth scholar 2005, Greek Republic, Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning & Religious Affairs.