*mentored students
- Dimarchopoulou D, Pineda J, Ji R, Worm B, Lotze H (in prep) Insights from ten years of the Mean Temperature of the Catch index.
- Dimarchopoulou D, Pineda J, Ji R, Worm B, Lotze H (submitted) Tropicalization of fisheries catches along a latitudinal gradient on the US east coast.
- Touloumis K, Tsikliras AC, Dimarchopoulou D, (submitted) The cascading effect of fishing down marine top predators in the northeastern Mediterranean Sea.
- Lavin CP*, Pauly D, Gordó-Vilaseca C, Costello MJ, Dimarchopoulou D (submitted) Fisheries catch and research data show increased abundance of warm-water fishes in the Norwegian and Barents Sea in line with ocean warming.
(38) Kesner-Reyes K, Capuli EC, Reyes RB, Jansalin JGM, Rius-Barile J, Bactong M Jr, Daskalaki E, Manousi S, Ferrà Vega C, Scarcella G, Coro G, Ordines F, Celie L, Scotti M, Lambert C, Gal G, Palomares MLD, Tsikliras AC, Dimarchopoulou D (in press) Gap analysis on the biology of marine fishes across European Seas. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture –(-): —. ▸ [pdf]
(37) Keramidas I*, Dimarchopoulou D, Kokkos N, Sylaios G, Tsikliras AC (2024) Temporal ecotrophic impacts of fisheries and climate change in the Aegean Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 749: 19-45. ▸ [pdf]
(36) Darmaraki S, Denaxa D, Theodorou I, Livanou E, Rigatou D, Raitsos ED, Stavrakidis-Zachou O, Dimarchopoulou D, Bonino G, McAdam R, Organelli E, Pitsouni A, Parasyris A (2024) Marine Heatwaves in the Mediterranean Sea: A Literature Review. Mediterranean Marine Science 25(3): 586-620. ▸ [pdf]
(35) Dimarchopoulou D, Keramidas I*, Tsagarakis K, Markantonatou V, Halouani G, Tsikliras AC (2024) Spatiotemporal fishing effort simulations and restriction scenarios in Thermaikos Gulf, Greece (northeastern Mediterranean Sea). Ocean and Coastal Management 247: 106914. ▸ [pdf]
(34) Froese R, Winker H, Coro G, Palomares MLD, Tsikliras AC, Dimarchopoulou D, Touloumis K, Demirel N, Vianna GMS, Scarcella G, Schijns R, Liang C, Pauly D (2023) New developments in the analysis of catch time series as the basis for fish stock assessments: The CMSY++ method. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 53: 173-189. ▸ [pdf]
(33) Abucay LR, Sorongon-Yap P, Kesner-Reyes K, Capuli EC, Reyes RB, Daskalaki E, Ferrà C, Scarcella G, Coro G, Ordines F, Sánchez Zulueta P, Daskalov GM, Klayn S, Celie L, Scotti M, Grémillet D, Lambert C, Gal G, Palomares MLD, Dimarchopoulou D, Tsikliras AC (2023) Knowledge gaps on the biology of non-fish marine species across European Seas and Levantine Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science 10: 1198137. ▸ [pdf]
(32) Dimarchopoulou D, Wibisono E, Saul S, Carvalho P, Nugraha A, Mous PJ, Humphries AT (2023) Combining CPUE and SPR indicators to assess the Indonesian deep-slope demersal fisheries. Fisheries Research 268: 106854. ▸ [pdf]
(31) Lavin CP*, Pauly D, Dimarchopoulou D, Liang C, Costello MJ (2023) Distinguishing the effects of fisheries and a warming climate on fish populations in Aotearoa, New Zealand. PeerJ 11: e16070. ▸ [pdf]
(30) Friedland KD, Ganley L, Dimarchopoulou D, Gaichas S, Morse R, Jordaan A (2023) Change in body size in a rapidly warming marine ecosystem: Consequences of tropicalization. Science of the Total Environment 903: 166117. ▸ [pdf]
(29) Humphries AT, Dimarchopoulou D, Stergiou KI, Tsikliras AC, Palomares MLD, Bailly N, Nauen C, Luna S, Banasihan LP, Froese R, Pauly D (2023) Measuring the scientific impact of FishBase after three decades. Cybium 47(3): 213-224. ▸ [pdf]
(28) Keramidas I*, Dimarchopoulou D, Ofir E, Tsikliras AC, Gal G (2023) Ecotrophic perspective in fisheries management: a review of Ecopath with Ecosim models in European marine ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science 10: 1182921. ▸ [pdf]
(27) Ferragut-Perello F, Ramírez-Amaro S, Tsikliras AC, Petit-Marty N, Dimarchopoulou D, Massutí E, Serrat A, Ordines F (2023) Exploitation and conservation status of the thornback ray (Raja clavata) in the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean). Fishes 8: 117. ▸ [pdf]
(26) Daskalaki E, Koufalis E, Dimarchopoulou D, Tsikliras AC (2022) Scientific progress made towards bridging the knowledge gap in the biology of Mediterranean marine fishes. PLoS ONE 17(11): e0277383. ▸ [pdf]
(25) Keramidas I*, Dimarchopoulou D, Tsikliras AC (2022) Modelling and assessing the ecosystem of the Aegean Sea, a major hub of the eastern Mediterranean at the intersection of Europe and Asia. Regional Studies in Marine Science 56: 102704. ▸ [pdf]
(24) Pauly D, Dimarchopoulou D (2022) Fishes in a warming and deoxygenating world. Environmental Biology of Fishes 105: 1261-1267. ▸ [pdf]
(23) Dimarchopoulou D, Tsikliras AC (2022) Linking growth patterns to sea temperature and oxygen levels across European sardine (Sardina pilchardus) populations. Environmental Biology of Fishes 105: 1335-1345. ▸ [pdf]
(22) Dimarchopoulou D, Makino M, Prayoga MR, Zeller D, Vianna GMS, Humphries AT (2022) Responses in fisheries catch data to a warming ocean along a latitudinal gradient in the western Pacific Ocean. Environmental Biology of Fishes 105: 1347-1362. ▸ [pdf]
(21) Dimarchopoulou D, Tsagarakis K, Sylaios G, Tsikliras AC (2022) Ecosystem trophic structure and effort simulations of a major greek fishing ground (Thermaikos Gulf, northeastern Mediterranean Sea). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 264: 107667. ▸ [pdf]
(20) Nalmpanti M*, Pardalou A, Tsikliras AC, Dimarchopoulou D (2021) Assessing fish communities in a multiple-use marine protected area using an underwater drone (Aegean Sea, Greece). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 101: 1061-1071. ▸ [pdf]
(19) Gómez-Gras D, Linares C, López-Sanz A, Amate R, Ledoux JB, Bensoussan N, Drap P, Bianchimani O, Marschal C, Torrents O, Zuberer F, Cebrian E, Teixidó N, Zabala M, Kipson S, Kersting DK, Montero-Serra I, Pagès-Escolà M, Medrano A, Frleta-Valić M, Dimarchopoulou D, López-Sendino P, Garrabou J (2021) Population collapse of habitat-forming species in the Mediterranean: a long-term study of gorgonian populations affected by recurrent marine heatwaves. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288: 20212384. ▸ [pdf]
(18) Tsikliras AC, Dimarchopoulou D (2021) Filling in knowledge gaps: length-weight relationships of 46 uncommon sharks and rays in the Mediterranean Sea. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 51(3): 249-255. ▸ [pdf]
(17) Dimarchopoulou D, Mous PJ, Firmana E, Wibisono E, Humphries AT (2021) Comparing two independent computational approaches to explore the status of the Indonesian deep demersal fishery. Fisheries Research 243: 106089. ▸ [pdf]
(16) Piroddi C, Akoglu E, Andonegi E, Bentley JW, Celic I, Coll M, Dimarchopoulou D, Friedland R, de Mutsert K, Girardin R, Garcia- Gorriz E, Grizzetti B, Hernvann P-Y, Heymans JJ, Müller Karulis B, Libralato S, Lynam CP, Macias D, Miladinova S, Moullec F, Palialexis A, Parn O, Serpetti N, Solidoro C, Steenbeek J, Stips A, Tomczak M, Travers-Trolet M, Tsikliras AC (2021) Effects of nutrient management scenarios on marine food webs: a Pan-European Assessment in support of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Frontiers in Marine Science 8: 596797. ▸ [pdf]
(15) Dimarchopoulou D, Keramidas I*, Sylaios G, Tsikliras AC (2021) Ecotrophic effects of fishing across the Mediterranean Sea. Water 13: 482. ▸ [pdf]
(14) Tsikliras AC, Touloumis K, Pardalou A, Adamidou A, Keramidas I, Orfanidis G, Dimarchopoulou D, Koutrakis M (2021) Status and exploitation of 74 un-assessed fish and invertebrate stocks in the Aegean Sea (Greece) using abundance and resilience. Frontiers in Marine Science 7: 578601. ▸ [pdf]
(13) Tsikliras AC, Dimarchopoulou D, Pardalou A (2020) Artificial upward trends in Greek marine landings: a case of presentist bias in European fisheries. Marine Policy 117: 103886. ▸ [pdf]
(12) Karachle PK, Dimarchopoulou D, Tsikliras AC (2020) Is shore-based recreational fishing in Greece an IUU activity that increases catch uncertainty? Regional Studies in Marine Science 36: 101273. ▸ [pdf]
(11) Froese R, Winker H, Coro G, Demirel N, Tsikliras AC, Dimarchopoulou D, Scarcella G, Palomares MLD, Dureuil M, Pauly D (2020) Estimating stock status from abundance and resilience. ICES Journal of Marine Science 77(2): 527-538. ▸ [pdf]
(10) Dimarchopoulou D, Keramidas I*, Tsagarakis K, Tsikliras AC (2019) Ecosystem models and effort simulations of an untrawled gulf in the central Aegean Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science 6: 648. ▸ [pdf]
(9) Froese R, Winker H, Coro G, Demirel N, Tsikliras AC, Dimarchopoulou D, Scarcella G, Probst WN, Dureuil M, Pauly D, Friedman A (2019) On the pile-up effect and priors for Linf and M/K: response to a comment by Hordyk et al. on “A new approach for estimating stock status from length frequency data”. ICES Journal of Marine Science 76(2): 461-465. ▸ [pdf]
(8) Froese R, Winker H, Coro G, Demirel N, Tsikliras AC, Dimarchopoulou D, Scarcella G, Probst WN, Dureuil M, Pauly D (2018) A new approach for estimating stock status from length frequency data. ICES Journal of Marine Science 75(6): 2004-2015. ▸ [pdf]
(7) Keramidas I*, Dimarchopoulou D, Pardalou A, Tsikliras AC (2018) Estimating recreational fishing fleet using satellite data in the Aegean and Ionian Seas (Mediterranean Sea). Fisheries Research 208: 1-6. ▸ [pdf]
(6) Froese R, Winker H, Coro G, Demirel N, Tsikliras AC, Dimarchopoulou D, Scarcella G, Quaas M, Matz-Lück N (2018) Status and rebuilding of European fisheries. Marine Policy 93: 159-170. ▸ [pdf]
(5) Dimarchopoulou D, Dogrammatzi A, Karachle PK, Tsikliras AC (2018) Spatial fishing restrictions benefit demersal stocks in the northeastern Mediterranean Sea. Scientific Reports 8: (5967). ▸ [pdf]
(4) Dimarchopoulou D, Gerovasileiou V, Voultsiadou E (2018) Spatial variability of sessile benthos in a semi-submerged marine cave of a remote Aegean Island (eastern Mediterranean Sea). Regional Studies in Marine Science 17: 102-111. ▸ [pdf]
(3) Petza D, Maina I, Koukourouvli N, Dimarchopoulou D, Akrivos D, Kavadas S, Tsikliras AC, Karachle PK, Katsanevakis S (2017) Where not to fish – reviewing and mapping fisheries restricted areas in the Aegean Sea. Mediterranean Marine Science 18(2): 310-323. ▸ [pdf]
(2) Dimarchopoulou D, Stergiou KI, Tsikliras AC (2017) Gap analysis on the biology of Mediterranean marine fishes. PLoS ONE 12(4): e0175949. ▸ [pdf]
(1) Gerovasileiou V, Chintiroglou CC, Vafidis D, Koutsoubas D, Sini M, Dailianis T, Issaris Y, Akritopoulou E, Dimarchopoulou D, Voultsiadou E (2015) Census of biodiversity in marine caves of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Mediterranean Marine Science 16(1): 245-265. ▸ [pdf]
*mentored students
- Humphries A, Wibisono E, Dimarchopoulou D, Mous P (2024) An electronic monitoring system for assessing Indonesia’s snapper-grouper fisheries. 9th World Fisheries Congress, 3-7 March, Seattle, USA. ▸ [pdf]
- Dimarchopoulou D, Pineda J, Ji R, Worm B, Lotze H (2024) Takeaways from ten years of the Mean Temperature of the Catch index. 9th World Fisheries Congress, 3-7 March, Seattle, USA. ▸ [pdf] [pdf]
- Tsikliras AC, Keramidas I*, Dimarchopoulou D (2023) Alien fish species and mean temperature of the catch in the Aegean Sea. 21st International FishBase and SeaLifeBase Symposium, 4 September, Tervuren, Belgium.
- Ferragut-Perello F, Ramírez-Amaro S, Petit-Marty N, Tsikliras AC, Dimarchopoulou D, Massutí E, Guijarro B, Ordines F (2023) Exploitation and conservation status of Rajiformes species in the Western Mediterranean. ICES Annual Science Conference 2023: — – —.
- Dimarchopoulou D, Pineda J, Ji R, Worm B, Lotze H (2023) Is ocean warming affecting fisheries catches in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean? Book of Abstracts of the 5th International Symposium on the Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Ocean: 217. ▸ [pdf] [pdf]
- Daskalaki E, Koufalis E, Dimarchopoulou D, Tsikliras AC (2022) Updated gap analysis on the biology of Mediterranean marine fishes. Proceedings of the Marine and Inland Waters Research Symposium (former Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography & Fisheries): 227-230. ▸ [pdf]
- Tsikliras AC, Chrysafi A, Daskalaki E, Keramidas I*, Koufalis E, Mantopoulou-Palouka D, Michailidis K, Nalmpanti M*, Manousi S, Dimarchopoulou D (2022) Ecocentric fisheries management in the Mediterranean Sea (EcoScope project). Thalassa 2022 Conference, Cyprus 6-8 June 2022.
- Humphries A, Dimarchopoulou D, Stergiou K, Tsikliras AC, Palomares MLD, Bailly N, Froese R, Pauly D (2021) Measuring the scientific impact of FishBase using citation analysis: preliminary results. Book of abstracts of the 2021 FishBase-SeaLifeBase Symposium: 11. ▸ [pdf]
- Tsikliras AC, Daskalaki E, Nalmpanti M*, Michailidis K*, Keramidas I*, Dimarchopoulou D (2021) Ecocentric fisheries management in the European Seas (EcoScope project). Book of abstracts of the 2021 FishBase-SeaLifeBase Symposium: 17-18. ▸ [pdf]
- Nalmpanti M*, Pardalou A, Tsikliras AC, Dimarchopoulou D (2021) How effective are the varying protection levels within MPAs? A Mediterranean case study. FSBI Symposium: Fish, Fisheries and Ecosystems in the Anthropocene 5-8 July, KU Leuven, Belgium. ▸ [pdf]
- Gómez-Gras D, Linares C, López-Sanz A, Amate R, Ledoux JB, Bensoussan N, Bianchimani O, Marschal C, Torrents O, Zuberer F, Cebrian E, Teixidó N, Zabala M, Kipson S, Kersting DK, Montero-Serra I, Pagès-Escolà M, Medrano A, Milani A, Frleta-Valić M, Dimarchopoulou D, López-Sendino P, Garrabou J (2020) Population collapse of habitat-forming octocorals in Scandola marine protected area: the long-term study of gorgonian populations affected by the 2003 extreme warm summer. Abstracts Volume Workshop on Marine Reserves (REMAR 2020): 24-25. [part of the VII International Symposium on Marine Sciences, Barcelona, July 2020]. ▸ [pdf]
- Scarcella G, Froese R, Winker H, Coro G, Demirel N, Garilao C, Tsikliras AC, Dimarchopoulou D, Dureuil M, Pauly D (2019) Three Monte-Carlo methods for data-limited stock assessment. ICES Annual Science Conference: in press. ▸ [pdf]
- Dimarchopoulou D, Keramidas I*, Tsagarakis K, Tsikliras AC (2019) Ecosystem modelling simulations and fishing effort reduction scenarios in Pagasitikos Gulf (central Aegean Sea, Greece). Proceedings of the International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions 14: 44. ▸ [pdf]
- Michailidis K*, Dimarchopoulou D, Tsikliras AC (2019) Estimating the stock status of fish and invertebrate species in the Aegean Sea. Proceedings of the International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions 14:116. ▸ [pdf]
- Dimarchopoulou D, Tsagarakis K, Tsikliras AC (2018) Modelling the food web of Thermaikos Gulf (northeastern Mediterranean Sea, Greece). Fish Forum 2018: Book of Abstracts p. 87. ▸ [pdf] [pdf]
- Keramidas I*, Dimarchopoulou D, Pardalou A, Tsikliras ΑC (2018) Counting recreational fishing vessels from space in the Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean Sea). Fish Forum 2018: Book of Abstracts p. 278. ▸ [pdf]
- Pantazi M, Dimarchopoulou D, Dogrammatzi A, Tsikliras AC, Karachle PK (2018) Fish and Invertebrate Diversity in a Semi-Protected Area (Pagasitikos Gulf, Greece). International Symposium on Euroasian biodiversity 4: 286. ▸ [pdf]
- Dimarchopoulou D, Stergiou KI, Tsikliras ΑC (2017) Gap analysis on the biology of Mediterranean marine fishes: comparing the literature with FishBase. In: T Musschoot, G Boden, J Snoeks (eds) 15th FishBase Symposium. Annual FishBase Symposium 15: 21-22. ▸ [pdf] [pdf]
- Dimarchopoulou D, Stergiou KI, Tsikliras AC (2016) Gaps in biological knowledge of the Mediterranean marine fishes. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 41: 518. ▸ [pdf] [pdf]
- Tsikliras AC, Dimarchopoulou D, Coro G, Froese R (2016) Status of hake (Merluccius merluccius) in the Mediterranean Sea based on catch and resilience. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 41: 522. ▸ [pdf]
- Dimarchopoulou D, Gerovasileiou V, Voultsiadou E (2015) Coverage and diversity of sessile benthos in a semi-submerged marine cave (Aegean Sea): Does position matter? Book of Abstracts, Symposium Inside and outside the mountain, Geology- Karst & Palaeontology, Custonaci, Sicily, p.41. ▸ [pdf] [pdf]
*mentored students
- Aletra V, Keramidas I*, Papadopoulou P, Makri M, Michailidis K, Dimarchopoulou D, Pardalou A, Tsikliras AC (2019) Fishing gears and main catches of the coastal fishing fleet in Alonissos Island. Proceedings of the Hellenic Conference of Ichthyologists 17: 146-149. ▸ [pdf]
- Dimarchopoulou D, Keramidas I, Markantonatou V, Tsagarakis K, Tsikliras AC (2019) Spatial fishing restriction scenarios in Thermaikos Gulf. Proceedings of the Hellenic Conference of Ichthyologists 17: 82-85. ▸ [pdf]
- Pardalou A, Keramidas I*, Makri M, Dimarchopoulou D, Tsikliras AC (2019) Catches and size-at-catch fluctuations in Alonissos (1985-2018). Proceedings of the Hellenic Conference of Ichthyologists 17: 154-157. ▸ [pdf]
- Dimarchopoulou D, Dogrammatzi A, Karachle PK, Tsikliras AC (2018) Positive effects of long-term fishing restrictions on three commercial demersal fishes of Thermaikos Gulf (Aegean Sea, Greece). Proceedings of the 12th Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography and Fisheries: 4. ▸ [pdf] [pdf]
- Malamidou A-A*, Dimarchopoulou D, Dogrammatzi A, Karachle PK, Tsikliras AC (2018) Effects of fishing restrictions on the diversity of Thermaikos Gulf (Greece). Proceedings of the 12th Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography and Fisheries: 114. ▸ [pdf]
- Markantonatou V, Koukourouvli N, Dimarchopoulou D, Giannoulaki M, Karachle PK, Kavadas S, Maina I, Papadopoulou N, Petza D, Sini M, Smith C, Stithou M, Tserpes G, Tsikliras AC, Vassilopoulou V, Katsanevakis S (2018) Systematic conservation planning: protecting biodiversity and fisheries resources in the Aegean Sea. Proceedings of the 12th Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography and Fisheries: 5. ▸ [pdf]
- Michailidis K*, Dimarchopoulou D, Tsikliras A (2018) Estimating the stock status of fishes in Sporades islands (Aegean Sea, Greece). Proceedings of the 40th Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences: 152-3. ▸ [pdf]
- Koutrolikou C*, Dimarchopoulou D, Pantazi M, Dogrammatzi A, Karachle PK, Tsikliras A (2017) Catch composition and fishing effort of recreational fisheries in the Aegean Sea (Greece). Proceedings of the 39th Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences: 156. ▸ [pdf]
- Dimarchopoulou D, Stergiou KI, Tsikliras AC (2016) Gaps in biological knowledge of the Greek marine fishes. Proceedings of the Hellenic Conference of Ichthyologists 16: 45-48. ▸ [pdf] [pdf]
- Karachle PK, Vassilopoulou V, Gianoulaki M, Dimarchopoulou D, Iosifidis S, Kavadas S, Kallianiotis A, Katsanevakis S, Maina I, Maniopoulou M, Maravelias CD, Machias A, Michailidis N, Papadopoulos E, Papadopoulou K, Paraskevopoulos S, Petza D, Petrou A, Scarcella G, Smith C, Stergiou KI, Tsagarakis K, Tserpes G, Tsikliras AC, Chartosia N (2016) Introducing PROTOMEDEA project: Towards the establishment of Marine Protected Area Networks in the Eastern Mediterranean. Proceedings of the Hellenic Conference of Ichthyologists 16: 497-500. ▸ [pdf]
- Tsikliras A, Dimarchopoulou D, Ammar Y, Coro G, Demirel N, Garilao C, Sampang-Reyes A, Scarcella G, Winker H, Froese R (2016) Assessing the fisheries status of 39 Aegean Sea stocks. Proceedings of the Hellenic Conference of Ichthyologists 16:197-200. ▸ [pdf]
- Dimarchopoulou D, Gerovasileiou V, Voultsiadou E (2015) Spatial patterns of benthic communities in a semi-submerged cave of the north Aegean Sea: contribution to the knowledge of marine cave biodiversity. Proceedings of the 11th Panhellenic Symposium of Oceanography and Fisheries: 565-568. ▸ [pdf] [pdf]
*mentored students
- Tsikliras Α, Keramidas I*, Nalmpanti M*, Tektonidis E, Issari A, Pardalou Α, Dimarchopoulou D (2020) Monitoring of the fish stocks in the National Marine Park of Alonissos-northern Sporades. Technical Report. Laboratory of Ichthyology, School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 40 p.
- Karachle PK, Giannoulaki M, Katsanevakis S, Tsikliras A, Scarcella G, Chartosia N, Petrou A, Dimarchopoulou D, Petza D, Markantonatou V, Sini M, Michailidis N, Maina I, Dogrammatzi A, Hadjioannou L, Jimenez C, Kavadas S, Koukourouvli N, Maniopoulou M, Papadopoulou N, Pardalou A, Pyrounaki MM, Scanu M, Smith C, Stithou M, Tsagarakis K, Tserpes G, Vassilopoulou V, Pantazi M (2019) Towards the establishment of Marine Protected Area Networks in the Eastern Mediterranean. Technical Report, PROTOMEDEA project, 1383 p. ▸ [pdf]
- Tsikliras Α, Makri M, Dimarchopoulou D (2019) Towed gear restrictions in Aegean and Ionian Seas. Final Technical Report. School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. ▸ [pdf]
- Tsikliras A, Dimarchopoulou D, Michailidis K*, Aletra V, Papadopoulou P, Pardalou A (2018) Fisheries, stocks and fleet in Alonissos. Final Report. Laboratory of Ichthyology, School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. ▸ [pdf]
- Froese R, Garilao C, Winker H, Coro G, Demirel N, Tsikliras A, Dimarchopoulou D, Scarcella G, Sampang-Reyes A (2016) Exploitation and status of European stocks. Updated version. Electronic publication, http://oceanrep.geomar.de/34476/. ▸ [pdf]
- Dimarchopoulou D, Tsikliras AC, Froese R, Pauly D (2024) Fish Stocks. In: Encyclopedia of Biodiversity (Third Edition) Vol. 2: 388-403. ▸ [pdf]
- Tsikliras AC, Manousi S, Dimarchopoulou D (2024) Fishes in changing ecosystems. Proceedings of the 12th Annual FishBase Symposium. Thessaloniki, p. 88. ▸ [pdf]
- Mrabet R, Savé R, Toreti A, Caiola N, Chentouf M, Llasat MC, Mohamed AAA, Santeramo FG, Sanz-Cobena A, Tsikliras A (2020) Food. In: Climate and Environmental Change in the Mediterranean Basin – Current Situation and Risks for the Future. First Mediterranean Assessment Report [Cramer W, Guiot J, Marini K (eds.)] Union for the Mediterranean, Plan Bleu, UNEP/MAP, Marseille, France, 26pp, in press. Contributing author (among others): Dimarchopoulou D ▸ [pdf]
- Cherif S, Doblas-Miranda E, Lionello P, Borrego C, Giorgi F, Iglesias A, Jebari S, Mahmoudi E, Moriondo M, Pringault O, Rilov G, Somot S, Tsikliras A, Vila M, Zittis G (2020) Drivers of change. In: Climate and Environmental Change in the Mediterranean Basin – Current Situation and Risks for the Future. First Mediterranean Assessment Report [Cramer W, Guiot J, Marini K (eds.)] Union for the Mediterranean, Plan Bleu, UNEP/MAP, Marseille, France, 128pp, in press. Contributing author (among others): Dimarchopoulou D ▸ [pdf]
- Tsikliras A, Dimarchopoulou D, Youlatos D (2019) Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions. Hellenic Zoological Society, Thessaloniki, pp. 203. ▸ [pdf]
4. The Sea Around Us team (2022) Principles of assessing exploited fish populations and an introduction to the CMSY methodology. Free video step-by-step tutorials. Translation in Greek by Dimarchopoulou D. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufjgC50HL-E.
3. Tsikliras AC, Sgardeli V, Keramidas I*, Dimarchopoulou D, Tserpes G (2020) Ecosystem models along the southern Mediterranean coastline. ODYSSEA Newsletter “Creating products and knowledge for the Mediterranean” Issue 02 – June 2020. ▸ [pdf]
2. Froese R, Winker H, Coro G, Demirel N, Tsikliras AC, Dimarchopoulou D, Scarcella G, Palomares MLD, Dureuil M, Pauly D (2020) Learning from the peer review of “Estimating stock status from relative abundance and resilience”, p. 111-124. In: Pauly D and Ruiz-Leotaud V (eds.) Marine and Freshwater Miscellanea II. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 28(2). Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, University of British Columbia. ▸ [pdf]
1. Dimarchopoulou D, Voultsiadou E (2011) Natural History Museums, tools in Environmental Education. Meeting on the World Environment Day entitled “Environmental awareness and social participation”, A.U.Th. Environment Council, Thessaloniki (proceedings not issued). ▸ [pdf]